Our Story
The seed of Humanitarian Engineering International (HEI) started in 2014, when the organisation’s founder Louis moved to Argentina and spent four months volunteering with Engineers Without Borders Argentina (ISF-Ar) on a bridge construction project in the remote province of Santiago del Estero. Inspired by the professionalism, dedication and vision of ISF-Ar, and the rigour applied to selecting and executing humanitarian projects for lasting positive impact, Louis wished to open the door for other engineering professionals around the world to apply their skills in this way. To help overcome the barriers of logistics, language barriers, and parsing out feel-good "voluntourism" from genuinely effective projects and organisations, HEI was formed.
Project Selection
Having worked in collaboration with many aid organisations and other entities in the sustainable development space, I have observed that, while almost universally well-intentioned, many organisations fall into one of two traps. Many get caught up in meta-activities (design summits, student outreach, corporate awareness-raising, workshops etc.) to the point that an unacceptably low percentage of the organisation's resources are actually used to facilitate tangible, real-world improvements in the communities the organisation is purportedly dedicated to serving.
On the other hand, there are organisations that are so eager to get their hands dirty out in the field that insufficient planning and resourcing is dedicated to project selection, community consultation, collaborative design, appropriate technology and end-user ownership. This approach inevitably leads to projects that are out of touch with the community and are not implemented or maintained once the construction team leave, or even fail to address the real concerns of the community in the first place. The PlayPump is a dramatic example of how out-of-touch humanitarian aid projects fail despite the best intentions, and serves as a cautionary tale when considering undertaking aid work.
Finding and partnering only with organisations with proven track records of lasting positive impact through careful planning, community partnerships and thoughtful delivery is fundamental to HEI's purpose.
Ingeniería Sin Fronteras Argentina (Engineering Without Borders Argentina) is an interdisciplinary, not-for-profit organisation of engineers and other professionals dedicated to providing engineering solutions to vulnerable communities throughout Argentina. Their projects are focussed on water and sanitation, sustainable energy, education, housing and the provision of basic human rights.
Some achievements include:
+ 46,600 people reached
36 projects completed
27 communities reached
1064 students from our courses
+ 2000 volunteers
+ 170 partnerships generated
To learn more about Ingeniería Sin Fronteras Argentina, see their website here.